Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Underground Railroad

Escaping to the north for slaves meant they were on free soil and be away from the slave life in the south. Harriet Tubman created the Underground Railroad(1800s) to assist slaves to their freedom. It was a series of connected tunnels, paths, passages, and safe houses. People who were abolitionist help assist the Underground Railroad by providing safe houses for slaves to hide and rest before moving to the next safe house. Because the Railroad must remain secret, a code was used to communicate. Many slaves escaped to the north and slaveholders in the south became more enraged.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tiffany,
    I was wondering if I might use your comic about the underground railway as part of a frontloading activity I"m creating for a literature unit for the book "Underground to Canada on Teachers Pay Teachers. It's perfect for having students infer what the book might be about. Can you let email me at: Thanks!
